Getting pregnant may be one of the most joyous things a woman could ever have. It’s a milestone for some. However, giving birth can be a challenge financially. Have you thought of the cost it entails? The expense is endless. Getting any help from the government is already a big help. Find out how to apply for a maternity benefit, the requirements and the forms needed to complete your application.
What Is A Maternity Benefit?
It is a privilege for pregnant women who are members of the SSS (Social Security System). The benefit is only for the first four (4) deliveries or miscarriages. A female member cannot claim for sickness benefit for a period of 60 days for normal delivery or miscarriage or 78 days for caesarean delivery within which she has been paid the maternity benefit. As a rule, no member can be entitled to two benefits for the same period.
Who Can Avail of the Maternity Benefit?
- Must be a member of the SSS (Social Security System)
- Pregnant
- You must have paid at least three monthly contributions within the 12-month period immediately preceding the semester of her childbirth or miscarriage.
- Must have given the required notification of her pregnancy to SSS through her employer if employed; or submitted the maternity notification directly to the SSS if separated from employment, a voluntary or self-employed member.
How to Compute Your Maternity Benefit?
The maternity benefit is equivalent to 100 percent of the member’s average daily salary credit multiplied by 60 days for normal delivery or miscarriage, 78 days for caesarean section delivery.
– Do not include the semester of contingency (delivery or miscarriage) when computing
– Count 12 months backwards starting from the month immediately before the semester of contingency.
– Identify the six highest monthly salary credits within the 12-month period.
– Add the six highest monthly salary credits to get the total monthly salary credit.
– Divide the total monthly salary credit by 180 days to get the average daily salary credit. This is equivalent to the daily maternity allowance.
– Multiply the daily maternity allowance by 60 (for normal delivery or miscarriage) or 78 days (for caesarean section delivery) to get the total amount of maternity benefit.
Here is an example: Let us say that an SSS member gives birth in December 2019.
- The semester of contingency would be from July 2019 to December 2019.
- JULY 2018 TO JUNE 2019 would be your 12-month period.
- Let us assume that the six highest monthly salary credits are P20,000 each. Your total monthly salary credit would be P120,000 (P20, 000 x 6).
- The daily maternity allowance would be P666.67 (P120,000/180).
- The total maternity benefit due would be P40,000 (P666.67 x 60 days) for normal delivery/miscarriage/ectopic pregnancy not requiring operation, or P52,000 (P666.67 x 78) for caesarian cases or ectopic pregnancy requiring operation.
Process for Notification
- As an employee or employer, you are required to notify your employer of such pregnancy and the probable date of your childbirth. Let your employer know at least 60 days from the date of conception. Do this by accomplishing the SSS Maternity Notification Form and by submitting proof of pregnancy. Your employer will submit these documents to SSS immediately after the receipt of the notification from the employee member.
- If you are a voluntary member, unemployed, or self-employed, notify the SSS directly.
- Failure to notify SSS would cause your application to be denied.
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Great tips thank you
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